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HomeNotesDiary 2025

Total from 2024  
1837 hr

A brand new year and the list has no end insight and will most likely expand once items are being worked on. No point of listing anything in particular just looking at what still needs to be done makes the list that much bigger.
One of the huge items for this year will be to acquire some sort of power plant and have it fitted in and running and finish any chassis in the rear

Feb 10  3hr
A month into the tear and spring coming fast need to make some progress on anything that can be done in the house. One of those things are the head light buckets.
Going back on the previously made cones for the projectors and as they are much too long started making up a shorter ones just so that the lens will fit and but against the mounting flange. First prototype ended up way too big, had so much empty space that could not possibly make up any mount stand offs. After making some adjustments came up with comparable cone that will fit the projector snugly yet still have enough clearance for air movement and mounts could easily be placed.
Having a sample, it was taken apart and a second similar cone was made for opposite side.
Next came the larger high beam projector cone. Identically the cone was shrunk in size and 2 where made

Feb 12  3hr
Continuing on the projector cones. They where taped up on the outside so that they can be later more easily pulled from the plug and also give a smoother finish as the tape will be able to separate from the plug much easier then the bare cardboard once it had been fitted inthe headlight and back filled to make up the cavities.
Also added ridges to center locate in the openings. This will center locate them all in proper locations and help in alignment of the beam during the projector installation.

Feb 23  1hr
Cut out frames to fit on the outside in order to hold the forms square. and filled in with plaster. The hope is that the filled in cavity for the projector will hold shape when fitting into the main housing


 Total   1844 hr


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