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HomeNotesDiary 2023

Total from 2022   1628

Well since last year did not go as hoped and never got to a lot of things. This year will have to catch up on missed to do items and do everything else and complete it and put it into primer

Jan 22  1hr
Decided to look at some electrical again, specifically stalks  turn signals and lights. With the 6 wires coming out of it and only 4 going to the MICU well 2 but with new schema decided that power would be going to it as well to/from it. So go them all extended and trimmed equally based on routing under the dash and terminated pins needed for the connector. It did take longer then it should had, but between moving things around in garage and looking for matching wires times flies. Unfortunately had to stop at that point but at least it will bean easier for hook-up and trying to reverse engineer the CAN signals

Apr 5  15hr
This is  cumulative amount of work over the last few months working on various electronics boards which include instrument cluster and some control boards for headlights and some development boards needed for research and development of main boards

Apr 6  1hr
Long time coming and way over due. Made some fender adjustments around headlight opening last year which corrected issue with curled up front edge and clearance issue for the lid. Doing so required laying up a very thick underside to sand down top portion of the fender with unfortunately created issue with clearance for the headlight plugs made earlier last year. To correct this had the underside grounded down and and trimmed the plugs roughly. Will need to make better adjustments after deciding on course of action before making a lot of possibly unnecessary work

Apr 7 4hr
have running prototype of headlight controller. it will have capability of controlling headlight 6 different bulbs through a CAB bus or via standard low current input signals. Will just need one single power feed.
May not actually build it but its something that will give feedback and say if bulb is burned or not functioning. Similar idea will apply to rear tail lights where it will be impossible to see from drivers point of view.
now just need the housings to be made so that PCB can be made according to available space dimensions

Apr 23  3hr
should had been out more, can come up with excuses, tired, life stuff happens,  etc... and should had the head buckets done but with changes with last year fenders small alteration that really needed to wait till warmer weather. Then again could have done some other stuff on the car.
Anyway... bit drizzly but got out and got the fenders cleaned up under neat, reground headlight housings and looking at the A post fender returns should really had them ground last year from the surface rather then bottom. So had them ground as well and will re-glass and extend. So with reground fenders nice and same thickness, used saren wrap rather then paper as separation barrier to try something different which should peal off easier and had the HID housings reset. Will have to repeat that for the LED buckets.

Apr 25  0.5hr
pulled off the fenders and refilled LED housings

Apr 27  5hr
Should be really working working like real job. Decided to look into tail lights PCB and how they fit into the buckets. Been very careful to make them symmetrical, in reality right side is bit bigger then left. need to check on actual dimensions of the housing plugs to confirm but the suspicion points to the inner liners. If thats the case will have to re-make left side. Or perhaps when bonding somehow push centers out to get the curve properly.
In any case right side PCB shape is right on money just need to layout traces. connectors on PCB etc...
Another item, thought of using Piranha style LEDs but decided to go with 5050 SMD type device though the piranha would have much better through hole mechanical joints

Apr 28  3hr
did some more work on the tail lights right pcb. Thinking about how the inserts where made, there is a good possibility that they may not had been made symmetrically. So rather then spending too much time and possibly wasting some later on in redoing things or worst yet having different sizes for left and right. Its better to have a look at the housings and liners and trying to figure out how to make them symmetrical.
Also made couple small changes to the instrument cluster display board. buy adding 2 more mounting holes on bottom, naturally had to re-route few traces to clearance space.
Also added additional connector on power board for PWM to control switches

Apr 30 0.5hr
pulled fenders off and any of the parting material after some sanding to make it flush with fenders and bumper. will need to dry before doing any more work on it. The fill in on left LED housing seems to be holding well but will need to wait before doing any work in it

May 3  5hr
Thinking about fog lights and entire headlight controller. Since they are all enclosed with no breathable free flowing air, temperature generated by the high brightness bulbs will be quite high. So though about it and since there will be Microcontroller, would not be nice to monitor temperatures in the head light and fog light housings. So added couple options for different temperature sensors in the main board and created secondary small board for the fog light housing to monitor local temperature and on sensor used it will function differently

May 8 5hr
Was doing maintenance of daily driver, tunes where blasting and figured should jump on the car. Figured should leave the headlight housing alone and let them sure further. So jumped on the fenders, more specifically on the A pillar fender covers. Well had them cut incorrectly when they where pulled for one and secondly when making chassis for hinge mount had to make some questionable cuts and thirdly partially part of how the plug was made
So. bevelled ground further lower part and inner edge of the parts. Had to make weld in nut on left side used to fasten window surround and ground down some of it to make it smooth transition. Used masking tape as parting material and fasten the fenders and the returns. Glassed edges of the parts, will just have to sand down smooth once cured and will make hinge pockets next.
Flipped the 90' wood template and filled in right side of trunk return edge, with left over filled the cracks and grooves in fenders

May 9  0.5hr
Pulled off the fenders off to check out how the extensions came out. Will trim it next free time and make hinge packets

May 16  0.5
Still had the original plugs for the outer rear light housings, unfortunately they had been abused a bit but never the less still viable to make some measurements. Actually made a template of the lens with some approximations and as it seems the light light is bit bigger but not that big comparing to the inner part. So it looks like will have to make some calculated adjustments and make them as symmetrical as possible and make a single PCB for both sides.
Secondly, not sure how but the instrument cluster is way bigger then the opening. Had the outline printed before and it was OK so not sure whats up. maybe missed on print zoom

May 18  0.5
Tried an updated cut out of instrument cluster to see how it will look like. Unfortunately forgot that the face recess was pushed back  3/4 of an inch and being that its all angled going inward size and shape had slightly shifter. Luckily its quarter inch at the upper corners so it does not make that much of difference but the lower part is narrower so pretty much all outer rim needs to be slightly re-arranged ;(

May  23  1 hr
Deliberating about the instrument cluster for some time and how to make it taller. and figured that cutting down to the bottom its possible to lower it some and as the lower corners needed to be shaved off and made rounder, smaller and more symmetrical. So got a set of burrs on rotary tool and carved some material out. Run into a problem though and it would not be of an issue if left alone. However as the 2 halves of the dash where bonded filler material on the inside did not go all the way to the top and started going through the face where the electronic board would mount and had to stop before going any further. Had to cut day short but will need to back fill and build up the problem areas and finish it off next time. It does look like its good option for making it taller. Secondly the lower edge might be better place to locate switches and card sockets as its much thicker then the sides

May 28  0.5hr
bit the bullet before doing any tests and mixed up short strand and bonding compounds together and filled in the holes and gaps from the inside of the cluster. Bonding agent cures normally very hard and short strand should give some reinforcement from the strands so hoping that will be sufficient for the back fill. Will probably put another layer just to get some thickness in those corners

June 4  3hr
after some to do list. Finally got the fenders trimmed and had the fills bonded to the fenders, unfortunately its slow cure  so will have to give couple of days for it to cure and still may leave the screws in place just have the tips sheered off so they would not be in a way.
Also had the instrument cluster corner ground down to sharp 90' and skimmed it with filler and will have to sand it down smooth next. Once its all flat most likely will carve out some recesses for SD / SIM cards and control switches as there still seem to be enough thickness.

June 13  1h
sanded down instrument cluster and primed. the quarter inch (7mm) gives considerably lot of extra room for the main display board. After another inspection of the lower edge, not sure if there is enough material to make significant indentation for the switch and SIM/SD boards. If any they may need to be put on angle rather then making even cut from front to back

June 20  3hr
Its long over due on the fender bonding and thought about it for some time but decided to ttake the screws out from the fenders. Bonding is holding, may not have trusted for final bond but for the time being to re make the fenders it will due just fine. Trimmed off all the uneven areas, re-drilled some holes and put the fenders on the car. Started to make hinge packets and deciding on how to make them. Got prelilmanary template but will have to see how they will look in day as it was getting dark and artificial light just does not due justice.

June 24  3hr
Seems like awfully long time to finish the door hinge packets as some work was already done the other day. Regardless had to make some adjustments to the fenders, left especially. Had everything taped and prepped so it will be just a matter of laying up some fiber glass and surface finishing off once cured.

June 25  1hr
Was hoping for longer stay in garage just ended up yard word. Never the lest at leased glassed in the door hinge packets so it will be at least they can be shaped while hopefully working on other things                                          

Jun 28   4hr
Went out to clean up door hinge packets but shifted attention over to lower windshield trim as there will be 2 pieces made for it and the form needs to cure properly to make the top part and a vertical U type bracket as front facia which will double as warning light / tempt display /etc /.... So marked off good portion of the dash after fastening it and setup partition for the front facia. The cardboard partition hopefully will make a mark on the mold indicating where it needs to be located and secondly will act as cut line for the U form. Additional material will be deposited for the plug to build up lip in front creating overhang. Plug or maybe part will be pulled directly from the plug and hopefully the extra plastic used as extra separation material will allow clean pull from the dash.
Laying up the filler for the plug used a bit different method to hopefully keeping it in one piece. Being that the plug will be long and thin and needing to keep it in one piece, used a method similar to building bridge concrete spans or concrete light poles by embedding steel ropes but in this case twine strings as they are strong and kind of rough sp they will not pull or slip easily out. Put 10 of them in at various levels and full length from side to side. Hoping this will make it stiff enough not to bend and at least prevent it from cracks. Used quick cure material so it cured enough to be able to give a quick scrape to level it off and trim off hanging twine off. Will have to re-skim it and shape it then give few days to cure.
Pulled all the forming out used for making door packets. The tape that normally pulls off some how bonded to the polyester and just scraped enough and making it rough for filler to bond to it. Will probably have to use burr on electric drill or phnumatic tool to clean it better. Unfortunetaly the upper return on right fender did not produced proper bridging so will have to be make out of bondo for the plug and as the fenders will be redone it does not matter whats used in making it. On to next day

Jun 29  0.5hr
gave light sanding and re-skimmed filler

Jun 30  0.5hr
Another light sanding and re-skimmed

July 2  2.5hr
Did something with neck musles and could not move head at all. Still feeling bit dizzy when moving but had to make some progress before summer ends and will complain that did not had time.  Grin and bear it
Sanded down and made it as smooth as possible, still there are some spots that have indentations which will need to be filled in. Decided to make extension, actually it was the plan all the time, but filled past the parting and parting will be the guide line  Got it failry striagh but needs some more work. Its humid so the meterial does not cure too fast. Besides will need to get fresh resin to lay it up.
Avoiding it some as its pain in rear but started looking at headlights and got one of the right ones trimmed some. As they will take some time may as well deal with it.

July 6  2hr
Now that the instrument pod had been adjusted. made changes to the border to the instrument cluster PCB and shifted some of the layout of components. Will have to made some additional changes and most likely relocate some of the warning lights to possibly sub display or remove them totaly

July 11  1hr
re surfaced windshield trim plug and re-skimmed. Did some work shaping work on right HID housing

July 15  5hr
Time flies when you don't worry about any thing
Looked at the windshield trim and it looks like there is a slight difference in contour around A pillars, perhaps its cause of more aggressive sanding on one side. In either case had to remove some of the back fill foam and re-skimmed everything and hopefully will correct most of the issues.
Did quite a bit of body work on right fender specifically sill plate and hinge packet area. Can not, more like don't want to now with the windshield plug being worked on but will have to back will the windshield frame and make it all smooth working out all the creases and corners that had been chipped away and finalize the packet. Need resin to make the mold/part

July 21 0.5hr
reskimmed dash

July 22 1hr
re-sanded, skimmed, primed and waxed dash

July 23 1hr
Coated dash with PVA, laid 3 layers of mat. Not the thickest for mold as most likely will use it as part. Will need to sand down top and give it a fill to make it smooth.

July 24  1hr
while still on plug, sanded down dash, skim coated with filler and sanded smooth making mostly flat all across. Pulled of and cleaned all the plug material build up.
As hoped the twine did its work and is holding the plug that will be used across to hold up front part of the filler plate. What did not expected that the plastic leaked moisture down to the masking tape below it. Will have to wait a week to make sure it fully dried thin it down a bit and make plug out of it

July 30  6hr
Ground down dash (not sure what to call it) filler plate spacer, primed and re-skimmed. Also trimmed the filler panel getting rid of the fizly rim of it. Cut hinge pass through in right fender and almost surface finished it. Still needs work before pulling mold of it. Started filling in hinge packet  on left fender. Tried the new filler and got the sill plate almost to flat surface it has few small pits but it looks so much better. Finally sanded down all the nidle sharp barbs on front trunk panel.
Started welding up left door hinge. Needs a lot more filling in but its more then tack welded

Aug 1  2hr
got left door hinge packet shaped further, still need more work before going into mold. sanded primed and refilled dash filler spacer. Had some wavy top surface hopefully this fill will flatten it up.
welded in left door hinge, will have to metal shape it and remove some of the over welds and smooth it out. Welded remaining part of front hinges, will need to smooth them out as well in couple spots

Aug 6   5.5hr
Came back from camping, so there is no better time then getting back at the car. Need to do one more sanding on the left door hinge packet and sand down top of the fender. Ground down left door hinge and front trunk hinges. Had them painted though it probably would use some good sand blasting for proper protection. However as will still have to enlarge bolt holes, some protection is better then none

Aug 9    0.5hr
sanded down and re-primed dash stand off. Will need to refill couple small spots but its flat. Broblem is that the strings are getting elongated and the piece developed 2 small racks.

Aug 12   2.5hr
re-skimmed dash stand off.  Cut out hinge hole and reshaped packet around pass through in left fender. Re-skimmed one side to match right side. Clearenced right hinge packet around pass through and re-skimmed. Cleaned up front hood and left sill from resin drips from when making other parts.
Need to fix gel coat on left sill before finalizing fender

Aug 16 0.5hr
sanded down, primed and waxed dash spacer

Aug 19   5hr 
PVA dash spacer. back fiber glassed fender sill panels. took windshield frame out and started making plug for upper window trim. Center section came in handy as it saved a lot of time in carving out cut out for over head lights etc...  Not sure if it would be good idea to make a deeper packet or leave it flush and add extra steel bar. Mabe compromise and just dig in just a bit.

Aug 20  1.0hr
Quick surface clean up and re-skim of the upper windshield trim

Aug 22    1hr
shaped the upper windshield panel and primed

Aug 23     0.5hr
lightly skimed filling in most of thelow spots

Aug 25     1hr
removed A pillar trim pieces, sanded down further to contoured corners. carved indentation in over head packet to give extra space. Primed to slow any low spots

Aug 26    1.5hr
re-skimmed entire piece and added further extensions under the A pillar trim.
The thicker plaster is still moist, never the less sanded down smooth and primed. Need to have that piece ready for mold.

Aug 27   1hr
Well the thicker plaster did not cured as thought, though its just on the very edges of extensions and in the overhead light packet. .... so as it is need to press on. Primer is smooth so will mot worry about it and what ever uneveness it will show after pulling the mold will deal with it at the time. So parted or should say extended edges past the part edge and waxed. Will PVA next day and lay up mold

Aug 29   2.5hr
did not had much time but managed to get out and fiber glassed the plugs for the dash stand off and upper windshield trim. Decided to use brush, not completely sure if that was good idea as it took too long to lay it up. The new resin has baigie color rather then the usual bluish I'm used to, same type all can think of is maybe different formulation. Never the less it looked like there was some air packets that got trapped as it was curing so will have to see how it comes out after it cures

Aug 30  0.5hr
Pulled the windshield mold of from the plug just to see how it came out

Sep 2    1hr
Trimmed both molds from the frizzls as not to get poked by the sharp glass needles. They will need some fixing but over all came out fairly descent. Windshield mold may need some adjusting but still good

Oct 9  11hr
Did not had any time working on the car thou been adjusting instrument cluster display board to compensate for the extra deepeness that will be located at vs what was the original location for it. Extra 3cm in depth and outer angles of the casing made the board too large thus some of the indicators needed to go and or their position had to be re-adjusted. Originally thought of throwing some of the indicators out and just readjusting odometer. However after some thoughts it was possible to shift indicators around and keep everything. Mind it it will be much thigther now leaving not much space in between much of the displays.
Secondly with the processor being on board the display board, had thought to provide options of having connectors for all processor controlled indicators and making a separate processor board. It will introduce extra complexity and much more inter connectors between the boards but the benefit of it is that it will be possible to switch to a different processor and signal processing on a much smaller PC board and would easily fit between display and power supply boards.

Oct 11  10hr
Though the instrument cluster is not ready yet and perhaps some changes would be required to the wiring or parts replacements. Never the less, had converted PCB layout into schematic. Will need add processor wiring as not ready on PCB as need to be fully tested before final production PCB.

Oct 12   0.5hr
drilled and tapped door hinges for grease fittings. will just need to have them assembled and that will be first part thats ready for assembly, not counting the OE hinges for engine lid as did not needed any modification and just need a good coat of paint nor front trunk lid hinges that just need bolt holes enlarged and maybe another coat of paint

Oct 17  0.5hr
made up some weld in nuts out of 3/8" stock to be welded into a plate and bonded between skin and inner structure of front trunk.

Nov 13  1hr
Just did not had any time nor much of motivation but got out and drilled out some holes in the nut backing plate with nuts for front hood hinge mounts. Had the plate originally primed, but thinking about it that it will be better if it was bare metal and roughed up with 36 grid or something like that the shards will help in mechanical bonding aside the holes where bonding compound would go through and eventually bond top and bottom parts together. next are the latches that will need to have same treatment done and bond the parts together.

Dec 29  2hr
trying to add some more hours into the project today, been really ignoring it and need to finish it. So jumped on the fenders and trimmed A pillar sill that was extended to cover up gap that was either made cause it was cut incorrectly or cause of how the hinges are mounted. never the less had the fizzly hanging fiber glass trimmed, ground surface of extra bulkness and got the thickness to be more even.
Had the left door hinge pin clearance fixed as it was binding and barely open or close it. Wondering if should have them powder coat it or just leave them painted enamel and maybe give another coat though trying to avoid being too thick. Will need to try greasing it to see how it will work.

Dec 30  1hr
Put a layer of filler on the fenders, but being only 12'c in garage its not enough for the filler to start curing. So will need to leave it over night and sand them down next day. Extended front hood right bolt support to match shape of left side. Even though it was not necessary and would be mechanically sound.

End year review
Did not do as much as set out to be done this year where hours spent on it reflect it. Thought still made good progress even thought would have like to see doors finalized as far as window regulator and latching are concerned. Also kind of came to final design on the headlight buckets correcting shape of fenders to accomodate the design and over all shape of it.. With just 144 hours into the project still made some good amount of work.

 Total   1772.   hr

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