We just did not wanted to grab a dashboard out of any car and just drop it
leaving tons of gaps that would never be filled in by panels and just would not
align and look totaly like garbage.
To overcome the dash needed to fit perfectly against the glass and all the way
down to doors.
As the car was never modeled in CAD we could not start making the dash till the
window surround was made, chassis all welded up and everything assembled or at
least sitting where it would at final assembly. As there is a tube across to
hold steering column and support pedals plus to add crush resistancy. We started
to build the dash plug out of foam just like all the other pieces. Once the main
bulk of the foam was glued, we started to shape the top contour of it. Due to
the fact that the angle of the windshield is fairly small and wanted to be able
to clean windshield on the inside. we dropped surface slightly but not too low
that there would not be any space under the dash. We had made the area around
windshield i a way that it would provide defrost against the glass plus
faciliate 2 different configurations for filler plate which also covers the
mounting bolts of the dash against the glass.
Next we started to top it off with plaster as its the flexible surface topping
to prevent resin eatching of the foam and is easy workable in case change is
required. As top of the dash was finished smooth. then the edge against the
windshield surround was next. We had removed the plug and cut back on the foam
thats against the frame. the frame was covered with plastic as to avoid of
plaster sticking to it. plaster was mixed and spread on the plastic sheet and
foam form then lowered in place onto the support tube squishing any extra
plaster out thus removing any voids.
We are still working on the dash, please come back soon