The rear suspension is all custom made and includes custom uprights/ hub carrier
to which Corvette C5 or newer hub with emergency brake is bolted onto and dual
parallel H control arms. It has been this way as there is not much room to fit
standard control.

Main carrier is CNC laser cut and formed from 10' steel with additional 0.375
inch plate welded inside to support any possible twisting force from the hub
bolts. The hub has standard corvette mounting tabs for brake system and if
Corvette emergency drum is being used there is provision for mounting
parking brake cable. Pivot points are machined to accept 9/16" bolt for upper
and lower control arms.
The upper and lower control arms are of un-equal length constructed of
1x1.5x0.120 wall tubing and tubes at ends accepting urethane bushings on
carrier and chassis ends. Camber and caster controls are adjusted through
conventional off set bolts.